Please submit your invoice to: [email protected].

When to invoice

Payment schedules are outlined in your contracts: 15th October; 15th January; 15th March, unless otherwise agreed.

Delivery costs

Your delivery costs should be the amount outlined in your Statement of Work/Yoti contract.

Participation fees

The participation fee offer is a £400 day rate for 1.5 day’s work per month. This should cover two 1hr 50minute circle meetings, plus prep and follow-up time, including reviewing and scoring proposals as part of co-budgeting (up to 6 hours).

So you can claim up to £600 a month. The actual amount will depend on how much time you spend on the ‘collaboration overhead’ of our collective governance circles.

If you are also contributing as part of a working group, that can be added to your invoice as an additional participation fee.


We have a separate budget line to cover travel and accommodation expenses, e.g. for attending in-person events.

You can add any expenses to your invoices, in addition to your initiative delivery costs and participation fees. Please attribute any expenses clearly to cost centre 905, expense code 488.

Invoice information

Please include the following information:

  1. Address:


c/o Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology (CAST),

of Broul Cottage

Bath Road,
